Smart Sports Betting


Sports betting predictions team constantly overviews the main sport, political and cultural events in the world. We share the insights and the betting predictions. Our bets and predictions are free and publicly accessible in contrast to other websites. Feb 14, 2018 Well, once again smart maths will help you to win in this way. The sports betting market is very competitive and bookies often offer tempting prices. With the right price for each outcome you can be sure of winning. Let’s go back and look at the example of Chelsea vs. Everton from earlier. Some bookies might have Chelsea as clear favourites.

  • Smart Money Indicators
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As our readers know, has recently introduced some interesting sports betting strategies and additional features to our Members. This article highlights the Smart Money Analysis that is available to our Premium Pro Members. Please see our general summary of Smart Money methods if this approach is new to you. The goal of this article is to highlight the additional analysis and information that our new, improved Smart Money feature provides. The information on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Use of this information in violation of any federal, state, or local laws is prohibited.

Smart Sports Bets Tonight

A Quick Recap of Smart Money Approaches


As you may know, SportsInsights believes that you can obtain value in the sports betting marketplace by “Betting Against the Public.” What if we ALSO consider line movement? For example:

  • What does it mean if “Joe Public” is heavily (say, 75%) on the Favorite, but the line actually moves from -10 to -9?
  • This is probably an indication that a large amount of concentrated money is coming in on the Underdog — more than offsetting the Public’s money on the Favorite. Typically, big money is “Sharp” or “Smart” money.

“Smart Money” approaches are one of the most powerful uses of Betting Percentages and SportsInsights betting information. Over the years, we have shown that Smart Money approaches have consistently achieved profitable results on the order of more than 55% (for spread sports), conservatively.

What’s New about the Smart Money Feature?

The new, improved Smart Money information can be summarized in two powerful bullet points:

Smart sports betting
  • The new Premium Pro Smart Money analysis uses historically robust parameters to trigger Smart Money alerts.
  • In addition, the Smart Money information breaks the data down further by looking at Smart Money plays triggered by various sportsbooks.

Sportsbook Personalities

In our article on Steam Moves and First Move information, we discussed how different sportsbooks sometimes behave differently from one another. While all sportsbooks seek to maximize their profit margins, they may have different types of customers — and therefore different money flows. Sportsbooks may try to balance their business in various ways. There are numerous reasons for different sportsbook personalities — but for us, the bottom line is that some sportsbooks have varied line movements that may or may not trigger Smart Money Moves.

SportsInsights’ Smart Money Scorecard

If sportsbooks move their lines at different times, what does this mean for Smart Money Moves? Some sportsbooks may trigger Smart Money Moves more often than other books. Which Sportsbooks trigger the most Smart Money Alerts? How successful are the Smart Money Alerts at Sportsbook A versus Sportsbook B?

SportsInsights tracks Smart Money moves at each of the sportsbooks that we follow. Our Premium Pro Members have the results of Smart Money moves broken down for each sportsbook. And, they are alerted whenever there is a Smart Money move in any sport. SportsInsights’ Smart Money approach has proven to be one of the most powerful sports investing tool available to sports bettors. Our new, improved Smart Money Analysis brings this to a new level. Our Premium Pro Members know exactly which sportsbook triggered the Smart Money Alert — as well as how well that sportsbook has done historically.

Using Premium Pro’s Smart Money Information

Some Members will use every Smart Money alert that is triggered. Depending on the sport, this may result in too many plays at once. Some sports investors will use Smart Money in combination with other handicapping tools that they use. If a Member wants to use the SportsInsights Smart Money Analysis as a stand-alone indicator– but wants to weed out some plays — they can study the triggering sportsbook’s historical performance before making a play.

We are very excited about our enhanced Smart Money analysis tools. Based on historical performance and realistic expectations, we expect that a prudent use of’s Smart Money Information can yield winning percentages in the range of 55%-57% and better.

Email Alerts

Some Premium Pro Members may want to use Email Alerts to be notified as soon as a Smart Money Alert is triggered. This will allow you to get down on a play before the lines move any further — and perhaps before all of the sportsbooks adjust their lines.

We do not guarantee that the trends and biases we’ve found will continue to exist. It is impossible to predict the future. Any serious academic research in the field of “market efficiencies” recognizes that inefficiencies may disappear over time. Once inefficiencies are discovered, it is only a matter of time before the market corrects itself. We do not guarantee our data is error-free. However, we’ve tried our best to make sure every score and percentage is correct.

Do you want to learn to make an income from the sports betting markets?

The aim of this blog is to enable you to do exactly that.

My name is Ryan,

Like most people I struggled to make money from the sports betting markets at first.

Initially losing money and not really knowing the right approach to make money in the long term.

However after a few years of research and testing out what really worked and what didn’t.

I was able to make making consistent profits.

Fast forward to 2021 and I have made a really good income from sports trading and sports betting.

The information on this blog should allow you to do the same if you wish to.

Want to learn the methods that have allowed me to make over £100,000 in total profit ?

A great starting point is to read my guides on making money from the sports betting markets below.

There are five guides in total. Two of the guides detail the two surest ways to make money from the sports betting markets.

Whilst the other three detail slightly more advanced methods.

(Click below to access the guides)

In April 2017, I started recording my monthly profit and losses.

Using the methods that I write about on this blog. Alongside services that I have found to be profitable long term.

My aim is to make over £1,000,000 in total profit over my lifetime.

Documenting it on a monthly basis on this blog.

(Click below to read about the making a million challenge)

I am constantly looking for new areas I can make money from the sports betting markets.

Smart Sports Bets Today

After testing over a 100 matched betting, sports trading and betting services.

Sports betting websites

Here are the services that I have found to offer the best value and can make you money long term.

(Click below for our recommended services)

Learn better through video?

I have multiple videos on Youtube detailing the strategies that I use to make money.

Smart Money Sports Betting

These include using matched betting, arbitrage, sports trading, exploiting casino offers and sports betting.

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(Click below to access the Smart Sports Trader Youtube channel)